
as with перевод



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  1. Their mouths drank as with the spring rain.
    И, как для весеннего дождя, широко открывали уста.
  2. 640×200 pixels, as with the 80×25 text mode.
    640×200 пикселей, как и у текстового режима 80×25.
  3. As with the Outsiders, little is known of dragons.
    Драконы Людям о драконах почти ничего не известно.
  4. As with all solutions, with varying degrees of success.
    Как и все решения, с различной степенью успеха.
  5. As with many county fairs, animal exhibits are abundant.
    Строго говоря, как и многие животные, панды всеядны.
  6. Толкование

    1. as vitré players перевод
    2. as well перевод
    3. as well as перевод
    4. as what перевод
    5. as whether or not перевод
    6. as would be expected перевод
    7. as x tends to a перевод
    8. as yet перевод
    9. as you like перевод
    10. as what перевод
    11. as whether or not перевод
    12. as would be expected перевод
    13. as x tends to a перевод
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